If your business is to grow and prosper, as a leader, you need to focus on people development.
Organizational capabilities rely on the ability of people and leadership. Human development is the creation of sustainability for business while creating quality for society. Our people and leadership development programs are always understood the context of the organization and also extend the benefits to society.
No matter how well organization designed, only as good as most people live and work with their best in it.
Our consulting services focus on most critical issues and opportunities: strategy, operations process, technology transformation, advanced analytics, corporate culture, mergers & acquisitions and sustainability. We bring our holistic perspective along with deep expertise will always give you a return on investment that is worthwhile for your business.
We focus on the strategic opportunities of our clients: We are specializing in strategy, organization development, technology & digital transformation, mergers and acquisitions. By focuses on creating sustainability so holistic intervention is therefore our highest priority.
Future Leadership Development
Our Future Skills Center (FSC) focuses on real-work study of each client’s practice to condense the theory-to-practice learning process into one step. Our teaching curriculum therefore focuses on the results that can be achieved on 5 levels. Let's see how it is.
Innovation Design Consulting
What makes your organization innovative? The answer is that we must be an innovative organization to serve you. The questions and answers that led us to create our affiliated innovative design company, Visual Thinking Company. To be an innovation center for society and our customers.
We enjoy working in depth for your lasting results as if we were true partners.
We provide the sustainable and inclusive growth to People and Organization
Combining SE Asia industry expertise along with advanced analytics and human-centered approach enable your business define strategies and drive sustainable growth.
Digital transformation should contribute to three areas: Business, Technology, and the People. Another key factor is change management that create a competitive advantage at the same time.
Building HPO with five dimensions and getting started is easy. Start from the advantages of your organization. HPO is not the job of HR only, but all leaders and all departments must be involved.
The key mechanism underlying the success of all leading organizations is a performance appraisal system that aligns with business strategies. This is the heart of agility in organizations.
Business need to rely on the right human resources to make these sustainability lasting. The right people and leaders in the digital era will contribute exponential outcomes.
Competency models are used for a variety of HR practices, including Recruitment, Talent/Performance Management,, Performance Appraisal and Development
People and Leadership Development
BVC Asia Academy
Leadership & Managerial Program
Mastering Manager of Manager Emerging Manager Program I-II Transitional 5G Manager I-II The Mentor Next Gen Supervisor Coaching 2 Win together Visual Coach Visual Team Coaching Draw2Change: Change Leadership
Learn More
Sales and Communication
Persuasive Sales Talk Consultative Selling The Visual Coach ZNAPT Talk: The Powerful Speech Visual Storytelling
Future Skills
VHINK: Visual Thinking Visual Note 101 Visualize Systemic Thinking Critical Thinking Design Thinking Play Visual Thinking in the Design Thinking Problem Solving & Decision Making Data Analytic 101 Data Visualization
Facilitator & Practitioner
Facilitation 101 Advance Visual Facilitation Experiential Trainer for Online Learning Consultant Bootcamp Scrum Master Crash Course HR for Non-HR 2022
The process of solving organizational problems and developing people's potential at BVC Asia doesn't stop at only business, but we also use that capability to solve problems for society as well.
Knowledge and Action can change the world. Our Innovation Design Consulting consists of 3 business
We dream that everyone's lives will be better with knowledge, understanding and awareness through a Design Thinking approach that helps us solve problems sustainably. We work with state-owned enterprises and non-profits to design human-centered solutions to problems.
Design Thinking Lab
Solve problems with understanding
Data is gold The future of competitive business is data intelligence. It doesn't matter how "BIG" or "SMALL" data you have, but what is important is that you know the right data analysis through correct interpretations for forecasting future needs. Visual data maps that help you interpret your needs and convey them into game-changing strategies.
Data Analytic & Visualize (DAV)
Visual Thinking Company
Communication is the main activity of the so-called human beings. And human beings have a language of communication that comes with them from birth, which is visual language. We take you to the future by going back and searching for basic instincts that everyone can understand right away.
Visual Thinking Company Limited
The expression of understanding is to see it visually
Panit was honored to give an interview to “Brand Buffet” after participating in important major events like Techsauce Global Summit 2017-2018, TEDx Bangkok, Startups Thailand and many other notable events in Thailand. (Visit Brand Buffet Archive page)
The COVID crisis has forced employees and executives to work from distinct locations, and employees start learning to work with a virtual team. Many corporate values focus on building beliefs in everyone in the company and tending to make decisions in the same direction to create consistency in work as well as to make it easier to manage change.
“Change happens faster than managing organizational change.”
Amornrat Suksayan
The key factor that makes corporate values is not just propaganda for leading organizational change or just a symbol of mass beliefs. But it is a crucial tool that leaders must apply by looking at the following “post-Covid” variables:
Hybrid Workplace: Today’s workers don’t come together in real places every day. They have another private world that may shape their beliefs. In the past, we may only see differences in ethnicity or place of residence or professional beliefs, but today, their “family” is clearly contributing to their personal beliefs.
Gender Diversity, Personal Taste and Self Confident: Preserving the individual right to believe something is an increasingly important concern for the new generation. Self-confidence is forged by a more expressive framework of self-confidence than any generation. Strategies for communicating values and making beliefs without coercion are especially important.
Rapid business expansion or reduction: Core values in Asia emphasize stability and trust in the organization. “Unity” is the heart of success in many organizations. The volatility of mergers and acquisitions or even business dissolution/expansion creates situations that are contrary to the values that leaders are trying to refer to.
Multiple Core Values: Employees in a temporary contract that hold the values of the parent organization.
Transformational trends require organizations to share common values that enable them to cope with business challenges in a way that people in their organizations feel empowered and believe they are always doing good for the organization.
However, having shared values seems difficult because the above factors clearly indicate that employees value individual values over shared values of the organization. The key is that leaders do not view corporate values as corporate values but view them as personal values of everyone.
Blockchain Thailand Genesis 2021 held on 27-28 November 2021 with the theme of this year’s event “BTG2021: The Era of Metaverse and Digital Asset” At the virtual event, many folks shared the same comments that the virtual world in BTG2021 feels like the RPG games like Final Fantasy of the past. Yes this is another year that BVC Asia has been a Media Partner and delivered 17 Visual Notes and Graphic Records covering every lecturer’s content, including a Great workshop on all 4 topics. Follow more details on Facebook, BlockChain Thailand.
Blockchain Thailand Genesis 2021 จัดขึ้นเมื่อวันที่ 27-28 พฤศจิกายน 2021 โดยงานปีนี้มีธีมว่า BTG2021: The Era of Metaverse and Digital Asset โดยภายในงานมีความแปลกใหม่ของการเชิญผู้เข้าร่วมงานได้เข้าร่วมชมบูธต่างๆ ภายในงานแบบอีเวนท์ในโลกเสมือนจริงซึ่งหลายคนที่เข้าร่วมงานบอกเสียงเดียวกันว่าโลกเสมือนใน BTG2021 นี้ให้ความรู้สึกเหมือนย้อนกลับไปในเกม RPG ในอดีต และเป็นอีกปีที่ BVC Asia ร่วมเป็น Media Partner ในงานพร้อมส่งมอบผลงาน Visual Note และ Graphic Record จำนวนมากกว่า 17 ภาพ ครอบคลุมเนื้อหาของผู้บรรยายทุกเรื่อง รวมทั้ง Workshop ดีๆ ทั้ง 4 หัวข้อด้วย ติตตามรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติมใน เฟสบุ๊ค BlockChain Thailand